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At numerous requests of public organizations of the State Israel Government we have translated Zoriy Fine photofilm about Jerusalem into English. We have brought little changes in the Second Edition - have displaced some accents for more exact perception of photos. Music and sequence of the photos remained without changes. 

This photofilm is dedicated to Jerusalem. Perhaps it’s the most difficult and inconsistent film out of the series and timed to celebration of Easter in all religions.


The author photos made in March, 2010 in breaks during a working trip were used. Shooting was conducted on two cameras: usual and infra-red.


The author musical illustration was also chosen carefully and is the personal improvisation on well-known themes: melody of John Williams to the movie "Schindler's List", hymn Jerushalaim Shel Zahav and folk songs "Hava Nagila" and "Cigarette". A copy of the local artist picture put up for sale in one of shops was used as well.


We ask to pay attention to a conscious resurvey by the author the subjects representing Judaic and Christian sacred objects, attitude to the sky through the mirror of the person face, and also on musical intonations that unite hitherto irreconcilable things by the general roots.


All nuances of the musical illustration - the separate and conscious language of the author – are address to the spectator (to the listener). For this reason, at the limited themes frailexs and chorals sound simultaneously (or, for example, at the end with appearance of a "market" component the music also "limps" in time with the image).


The first version of the slide show is here




 Another autors photofilms by Zoriy Fine (Другие авторские фотофильмы Зория Файна)...




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Пользователь: Trev      Дата: 01.02.2012     


I just caught one of your vids on YouTube. Can you say AWESOME!

I can't believe that your video isn't getting more views, I mean come on people!
It really blows me away that some of the crap that's on here gets so popular, and then the truly good stuff like yours gets lost in the crowd.

I don't say this often, but your videos were really some of the best I have seen on YouTube.

It's so weird that people seem to watch the same kind of garbage videos all the time. I mean just look at the most popular videos, when compared to yours they seem so stale.

I also used to have a hard time getting views to my videos and then I found

tubechanneldoctor . com

Basically what happens is they send you a ton of views to your videos. That helps you get ranked in the YouTube search engine which is when your views can really take off.

This was the easiest way that I found to increase my views on YouTube, and the best part is that they have a penny promotion going on right now. Give them a try soon, after all, with it being just a penny you really don't have anything to lose.

Well I guess I'll let you go for now. Just wanted to drop a line and say that I really like your work. Keep it up!

Пользователь: ТРК СМАРТ      Дата: 01.02.2012     

Зорий, это как всегда, НЕПРЕВЗОЙДЕННО!!!! Через ваш фотообъектив прошел целый мир, который вы успешно передали зрителям! Супер!!! Очень красиво!!!

Пользователь: Olia      Дата: 01.02.2012     

В который раз уже пересматриваю ролик...Душа выворачивается наизнанку. Мои пол года жизни в Иерусалиме оживают на каждом кадре! Все то, что было нащелкано моим никончиком - гдето там на диске "D"...:) А тут все скомпоновано настолько тонко и гармонично!.. Зорик, спасибо!

Пользователь: Ирина Понаровская      Дата: 01.02.2012     

....стараешься не дышать, чтобы не нарушить тишину....Потрясающе! Сердц***ение Святой Земли....

Пользователь: Снежана Соболева      Дата: 03.02.2012     

Мороз по коже...Это нечто. Спасибо огромное!


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